if you are planning to carry a large balance on your credit card which of the following credit-card future should you look for
If you are planning to carry a large balance on your credit card, you should look for the one with a lot of credit card rewards or the one with low interest rates. Since you gonna pay a pretty big amount of interest rates anyway, might as well get some rewards over it
Which smell describes red soil
Petirchor is the smell of rain falling to the ground and is all the smell of red dirt because that is one of the was it is made
Which Canadian province identifies strongly with the United Kingdom? A. Prince Edward Island B. Nova Scotia C. British Columbia D. Quebec
Im guessing the answr would be A. Prince Edward Island because there is royalty in the UK.
Why is eliminating child labor problematic? A. Eliminating child labor would lead to labor shortages in many economies. B. Parents would rather their children work than go to school. C. Many families depend on their children’s incomes to survive. D. Most countries that have high child labor rates do not see the benefit of eliminating the practice
C. Many families depend on their children's income to survive In poorer less developed countries, the only way to survive is for most of the family to work. The mother and father alone may not have the skills or connections to find work that will feed, clothe and shelter everyone. They may have a disabled member that would otherwise be a breadwinner and not enough of a social safety net to make up for it. They may also have many younger children or elderly to care for that adds to the need. Without enough opportunities for individual earners, more members of the family would need to work to make up the difference with quantity.
With respect to Australia's aboriginal peoples, animistic religious beliefs are characterized by _______worship. A. ancestor B. sky-god C. sun D. nature
D.) Nature
With respect to Australia's aboriginal peoples, animistic religious beliefs are characterized by Nature.
In general what is a developing nation
Generally it is a third world country (or similar) that is starting to develop its resources and upgrade on its society. It is when poverty begins to lower and more wealth is belonged to the country.
Answer: Agrarian based society with low to medium standard of living
Explanation: I took the test and this was the correct answer