Torpor is not exactly like sleep in humans but it is a sort of "suspended state" wherein the insect is minimally aware of its surroundings. Environmental stimuli like sudden sounds or movements can get the insects out of their torpor very quickly, typically within a matter of few seconds.
Edg 2020
Weathering is the result of the disintegration or decomposition of stones and minerals that are found above or near the Earth's surface. This occurs after contact with the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere or certain biological agents. This alteration leads them to increase their volume, lower their consistency, reduce the size of their particles or form other minerals.
Answer: John Locke
John Locke believed that it is a government’s job to protect the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. John Locke argued that natural rights such as life, liberty, and property existed in the state of nature and could never be taken away or even voluntarily given up by individuals. These rights were impossible to surrender. Locke also disagreed with Hobbes about the social contract. Locke said, government, was mainly necessary to promote the “public good,” that is to protect property and encourage commerce and little else.
b. False