
Answer 1
Answer: Trasaturile schitei means 'sketch features' in the romanian language.

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i feel unhappy because i get to feel sad for the people that live outside and for people walking and for people driving car or trucks and anything but i still call allah -god to help everyone when you ever feel sad just call allah and he will hear you not actual yelling XD but when you wisper walking to him you say ya allah help then you say what he can help you


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sad, because he hurts too much to get up and play with it

excited, because Old Yeller is the pup's father
happy, because he loves pups

angry, because he already has a dog


The correct answer is A. sad, because he hurts too much to get up and play with it. He isn't happy because he is hurting. He keeps thinking of old yeller and that makes him sad, so when she presents him with a new pup, he's not happy but is rather overflown with negative emotions because of his memories.

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Hi this is my first time in brainly.come hahah

I’m gonna guess...clay?

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4.communication of assessment results

The following statement is an example of which type of opener?"Hi, let me give you a hand with that."

other references
relational references
context references


The statement "Hi, let me give you a hand with that." is an example of other references.


A sentence is considered to be a self reference, if the sentence or the idea refers to itself while contextual refers means when a sentence or an idea has a meaning which derived from a particular context instead of its original meaning.

Rational reference refers to a sentence or an idea that is formed after a rational discussion has took while every other reference is summed up under the “OTHER REFERENCES” which is the case with given sentence.


other references


hopefully this is the answer