One of the most important areas in which governments cooperate is __________.


Answer 1
Answer: One of the most important areas in which governments cooperate is "foreign policy," since the national or central governments of each country are responsible for forming relationships with others.

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Because the men were all at war and they needed someone to do the jobs.
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     By the fall of 1940, Germany controlled most of western europe, so B. I hope this helped :D

Which power is reserved for the federal government


The correct answer is: Setting foreign policy

Final answer:

The Federal government, as outlined in the United States Constitution, possesses the power to coin money, regulate commerce, declare war, raise and maintain armed forces, and establish a Post Office, amongst others. It plays a vital role in maintaining the national framework and fulfilling international obligations. These powers underline the importance of the federal system in our nation's constitutional structure.


The powers reserved for the Federal government are numerous and outlined in the United States Constitution. A few examples of these powers include the power to coin money, to regulate commerce with foreign nations, to declare war, to raise and maintain armed forces, and to establish a Post Office. These are only a few examples, but they demonstrate the expansiveness of the Federal government's responsibilities.

Consequently, the Federal government plays a crucial role in maintaining the national framework and ensuring the fulfillment of the United States' international obligations. The Federal system allows the government to efficiently carry out these duties, demonstrating the system's pivotal role in our nation's constitutional design.

Learn more about Federal Powers here:


For how long did Islam’s Golden Age last?


Answer: For three hundred years or, three centuries.


mid-7th century to the mid-13th century


What was the social class structure of African kingdoms? How was land distributed?


The social class structure of African kingdoms varied from region to region depending on various factors such as geography and resources available.

In many African kingdoms, the king was viewed as a spiritual leader and ruler. The king generally owned the most land and had the power to distribute it to others. Other social classes included religious leaders, craftsmen, merchants, soldiers, and laborers.

Some kingdoms, specifically in West Africa, had a more complex social system that was based on class and caste, with the king and his family being the highest class.

In many African kingdoms, land was distributed by the king or ruler to individuals or families based on their rank or social status. The ruler would often decide how much land was allocated to each individual or family. Land may have been distributed based on a person's job or occupation, wealth, or political power. Other factors influencing land distribution included proximity to water sources and the availability of other resources in the area. In some kingdoms, land was also divided along caste or caste-like lines, with lower castes being allocated less-desirable land.

Final answer:

The social class structure of African kingdoms typically consisted of a ruling class, commoners, and slaves. Land distribution practices varied across kingdoms, with some being owned by the ruling class and others being communally owned.


The social class structure of African kingdoms varied depending on the specific kingdom and region. However, in many African kingdoms, there were usually three main classes: the ruling class or nobility, the commoners, and the slaves. The ruling class held the most power and wealth, while the commoners were the majority of the population and engaged in various professions. Slaves were considered the lowest class and were owned by the ruling class or nobility.

As for land distribution, it also differed across African kingdoms. In some kingdoms, land was owned and controlled by the ruling class or nobility, who distributed it among themselves and their supporters. In other kingdoms, land was communally owned and managed by the entire community. It's important to note that land distribution systems were complex and varied, reflecting local practices and cultural norms.

Overall, the social class structure and land distribution in African kingdoms were shaped by the specific historical, cultural, and political contexts of each kingdom, and there was no universal system followed throughout the continent.

Learn more about Social class structure and land distribution in African kingdoms here: