How many moles are in 150g of argon gas?


Answer 1
Answer: Molar mass Argon = 39.948 g/mol

number of moles = mass solute  / molar mass

n = 150 / 

n = 3.7548 moles

hope this helps!

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The correct answer is:

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Mass of lead (II) chromate is 51 g. The molecular formula is PbCrO_(4) and its molar mass is 323.2 g/mol

Number of moles can be calculated using the following formula:


Here, m is mass and M is molar mass.

Putting the values,

n=((51 g)/(323.1937 g/mol)=0.1578 mol

Therefore, number of moles of lead (II) chromate will be 0.1578 mol.

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The correct option is;

Scientist propose explanations that can be explained by examining evidence


A scientists makes an hypotheses based on possible natural processes to explain the origin and/or the nature of the characteristics of a natural observation. The scientist then source more data and information to put their hypotheses to test. Due to the fact that an hypotheses is based on observable  processes and/or mechanisms, the given hypotheses can be further tested by other scientists through the use of their individually sourced data. From the result of the assessment, the hypotheses can be either accepted or rejected to enable the better clarification of the hypotheses when accepted or the development of a new hypotheses when rejected.

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Electrons fill the electron orbitals (s, p, d, or f) starting from the lowest energy level going to the highest energy level. I hope this helps. let me know if you need more information such as what the

Arrange the following measurements, in seconds, from the greatest bias to the least bias. 6.63 ± 0.01 s, 6.6 ± 0.1 s, 6.52 ± 0.05 s, 6.4 ± 0.5 s


I understand here "bias" to be the uncertainty of measurements. So the order will be the following:

6.4 ± 0.5 s
6.6 ± 0.1 s,
6.63 ± 0.01 s,
6.52 ± 0.05 s,

(notice how the second number, the one behind the symbol ± gets smaller, as the bias gets smaller). 

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b. the difference in oxidation potentials of the half-cells

c. the sum of reduction potentials of the half-cells

d. the sum of the oxidation of potentials of the half cells


The correct answer is the difference in reduction potentials of the half-cells.

You can also think of it as the reduction potential of the cathode plus the oxidation potential of the anode since if you reverse the sign of the reduction potential you have the oxidation potential
example E(cathode)=0.7V and E(anode)=-1.2V.  E(cell)=0.7V+1.2V=1.9V
(the reduction potential for the anode is -1.2V but the oxidation potential is 1.2V)

I hope this helps.  Let me know if anything is unclear.