¿Te ________ para la clase de baile? ¿Con quién ________?


Answer 1
Answer: Llegas, vas or put vas for both either could work

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Diferença entre lei e teoria



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Select the option with the stem changing verb in the pre-iterate formElla ________ (preferir) hacer escala en Barcelona, España, anoche.
a prefirió
b preferiste
c preferías
d prefería


Your answer is A to this question because she has already done it.




In the Preterite tense, verbs that end in -ir only change in he third person(singular and plural forms). The stems of the verbs either change e→i   and from o→u.

Preferir in the el/ella/ usted = Prefirió

Preferir in the ellos/ellas/ustedes = Prefirieron

Choose the correct verb form.

Yo le ___________ por qué no ___________.



Yo le he gritado por qué no me ha hecho caso


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The correct answer is Mexico.

The continent that has the Spanish-speaking country with the largest population is Mexico.

Does the phrase "Dar de comer al perro" mean "to feed the dog" or "to give the dog something to eat"?


It means feed the dog. Don't put the "to" in there because "to" is not part of the word! 
It means feed the dog

Hoy hace frío. ¿Qué debe llevar Carlitos?A. una blusa
B. un suéter
C. una camiseta
D. un traje de baño



the answer is B


The correct answer would be B