In this expert from act 3 of Shakespeare's Macbeth which rhetorical device is used in the sentence belowStones have been known to move, and trees to speak.

1. Biblical allusion
2. apostrophe
3. personification
4. simile


Answer 1
Answer: 3. Personification

Here's why:

1. Biblical Allusion-An allusion is a reference to an event, movie, show, book, et cetera. A biblical allusion would be a reference to the Bible. In the Bible, rocks do not move, and trees do not speak, so this is not the answer.

2. --An apostrophe is a symbol used to show possession or omitted letters. For instance, an apostrophe is used in the words "can't" and "Julie's".

3. Personification-Personification is figurative speech of which human characteristics are given to non-human objects. Humans move and talk, but rocks and trees do not, so giving rocks and trees these characteristics is personification.

4. Similie-A similie is a figure of speech. It compares two objects with the words "like" or "as". For instance:
"She is as slow as a snail." The rocks and trees are not being compared to anything, so this is not the answer.

Hope I helped! :)

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Hope I helped:P 

Final answer:

In 'Wave' by Dale Wisely, water is characterized as a powerful and unpredictable force that represents the volatility and unpredictability of life.


In Dale Wisely's "Wave," water is characterized as a powerful and dynamic element. Through Wisely's descriptive prose, water is shown to represent both strength and unpredictability. It is personified in places, flowing 'like a creature on the run' and behaves in ways that are 'unceasing and uncontrolled.'

For instance, in the story, the wave symbolizes change and uncertainty. It is a force outside of man’s control that can both give and take away. Wisely portrays the wave as a symbol of instability and constant change.

Essentially, water in 'Wave' is characterized to represent the unpredictable nature of life and the power that natural elements can hold over human beings. The Dale Wisely characterization of water in this story is indeed a reflection of the broader human experience.

Learn more about Characterization of water here:


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