A model is useful if it’s what ? A.explains new observations.
B.predicts new observations.
C.matches new observations.
D. All of the above.


Answer 1

I am pretty sure the answer is all of the above, D

Answer 2
Answer: The answer should be D!

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In asexual reproduction the daughter cell will have the same genetic composition as the parent cell. In sexual reproduction the genetic composition will be a combination of both parents.

What is a downward arching rock layer?


A downward arching rock layer is called syncline.


Syncline and anticline are words used to design folds based on the analogous ages of folded rock layers. A syncline is a fold in which the modern rocks happen in the core of a fold. Where rock layers have been changed prior to folding, such as by folding about a giant fold with a shallowly inclined axial surface, the dearest rocks now occur in the core of folds where layers slide towards the fold axis.

A downward arching rocklayer is called a syncline. It is a type of fold that is characterized by its downward-facing axis.

What is a syncline?

Synclines are typically formed when sedimentary rocks are subjected to compressional forces. The compressional forces cause the rocks to bend, forming the downward-facing axis.

Synclines are often found in sedimentary basins, which are areas where sediment has accumulated over time. The sediment is typically deposited in horizontal layers, but the compressional forces can cause the layers to bend, forming synclines.

Synclines can be identified by their characteristic shape. They are typically bowl-shaped, with the axis of the fold running through the center of the bowl.

Find out more on arching rock layer here: brainly.com/question/29868037


After mitosis each identical daughter cell has a complete set of what? Is it chromosomes or organelles ?


I believe that the answer's chromosomes. 

I say that because mitosis is used to produce daughter cells that are pretty much genetically identical to their parent cells. The cell then replicates its chromosomes, and then it splits the copied chromosomes equally to make sure that each daughter cell has a full set.
I believe the answer is chromosomes .  

identify three limiting factors that can prevent a population from increasing and explain how each factor limits a population's size


1. There may not be enough room for the population to grow. Populations do not thrive when they are confined
2. Disease. When there is a big population, there is a higher chance of serious disease spreading and killing a lot of people. this happened in Athens during the war against Sparta
3. Lack of food. If a population is very big, there needs to be enough food. If there isn't enough food, people will starve and die.
1) Lack of resources
Without enough water, food or shelter, a population cannot increase

2) Human Agriculture
Humans can disturb an ecosystem by farming on the land, taking all the resources from it and using the land.

3) Disease
If a disease starts to spread within a certain species, it will prevent a population from increasing

How do some producers and consumers each rely on light from the sun


if the sun does not shine then the grass and other plants (or producers) cannot grow, if the grass cannot grow, food does not exist for the primary consumers such as grass hoppers, which means the frogs have nothing to eat, and the foxes have nothing to eat and so on so forth.
The consumers rely on the producers and producers rely on the sun, without one or the other a food chain does not work.
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