Dear Grandma,
There are so many things that I could say about you, and none of them would do you any justice. You’re the most incredible human being ever. I will never be able to fully put into words how much you mean to me, but I can go on for the rest of my life trying.
I visited you last time and noticed that you are eating a balanced diet, taking vitamins, getting the proper amount of sleep and not overweight. Despite your healthy lifestyle, you appeared run down and tired. I realized that it's due to your lack of physical activity.I love you so much.
Yours forever,
Your favorite grandchild
It is difficult to go from negative self-esteem to positive self-esteem overnight.
It is indeed hard for many people to go from a negative self-esteem to positive self-esteem overnight. Getting positive self-esteem takes some time to realize that they are perfect just the way they are. It takes time for someone to find who they are, it doesn't always come out of no where. Even lessons can help find someone get positive self-esteem.
4 P.M. We are all tired by then