b. The Supreme Court
c. The U.S. President
d. The Senate
The Egyptian culture faithfully believed in life after death, so they embalmed the bodies in the form of mummies.
In this way, what we now call soul, body and spirit were to the ancient Egyptians the ba, the ka and the akh. In order for life to exist after death, it was necessary for the ka (body) to be preserved.
The afterlife depended on a judgment where the gods were the judges. The heart of the dead would lie in a meadow with a scale. The other dish would hold the pen of a goddess (Maat). The weight of the heart would depend on the attitudes of the person in life.
If the plate with the heart weighed more than the plate with Maat's Feather, the dead man was condemned and became a demon, threatening the cosmic balance, and Amut, a monster with a crocodile's head and lion's paws and a hippo , devoured it. Otherwise, if the Pluma weighed more, the spirit would go to the Field of Lauro, which was the Egyptian Paraiso.
The first hominid was the Australopithecus afarensis.
This hominid lived from approximately 3.85 and 2.95 years ago.
It is believed that the Australopithecus afarensis lived only in East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania).
The estimated weight of this animal is ranged between 45 and 28 kg and its height between 151 and 105 centimeters.
It is the fingers and toes, with a curved phalanges, that lead experts to point out that they were very skilled at climbing tree branches.
Scientifics believe that Australopithecus afarensis is thought to be more closely related to the genus Homo.
b. False