What is the author satirizing in this passage? I said there was a society of men among us, bred up from their youth in the art of proving by words multiplied for the purpose, that white is black, and black is white, according as they are paid. To this society all the rest of the people are slaves.
(from Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift)
public service


Answer 1

"The author is satirizing public service in this passage. This passage is from Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift." The correct option is D.

Gulliver’s Travels, is conside-red to be Swift’s best book, wh-ich was un-surprising to discover after finish-ing this great work. The novel tells of 4 distinct trips made by Le-muel Gulliver to fanciful lands occupied by giants & mini humans, flying is-lands, & an knowledgeable horse species kno-wn as the Houyhn-hnms.

Through-out the novel, Gulliver despe-rately wants to con-vince each of his host na-tions of the merits of his na-tive Eng-land and enlight-ened Europe. The correct option is D.

To know more about Gulliver's travels click below:



Answer 2

I think it may be Public Service,correct me if wrong and I apologize

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A teenage boy's mom give him a puppy for a present. The boy sees he has 3 legs/disabled. The teenage boy ignores the puppy everytime he tries to get the boy's attention. In the end the boy realizes how adorable the puppy and his, and in the end it also shows the boy is disabled.


PLEASE HELP!!!Rewrite the paragraph below as a short speech introducing the subject of the Civil War. Use at least two instances of parallel structure in your speech.

The Civil War was a unique and terrible time in American history. Although slavery was probably the catalyst that started the war, many other regional factors, including economics, climate, and land, also divided the nation. The land in the North could not support large farms, therefore the northern states turned to trade and industry. This economic trend led to the
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other on opposite sides of the battlefield. One state, Virginia, even divided itself, with Virginia remaining a Confederate state and West Virginia becoming a Union state.



A short speech introducing the subject of the Civil War is written below in brief details.


The Civil War was the most destructive war in American archives. ... The Civil War was also considered the first use by Americans of canons, secret traps, and land mines. The antiquated maneuvering also committed to the high number of fatalities. Extensive frontal attacks and massed structures appear in large numbers of graves.

Read the statements carefully. Identify whether it expresses one's belief, opinion, or not. Write YES if it is based on one's opinion and NO if not. ​


I believe it’s
2. No

King Oedipus, while riding his chariot, comes upon a stranger whorefuses to give way to Oedipus on a narrow road. Oedipus in turn
refuses to give way to the insolent stranger. The two fight, and Oedipus
kills him. Only later does Oedipus discover that the stranger was
actually his long lost father.
Which common motif from mythology is most clearly shown in the story?
A. The dangers of arrogance
B. Physical transformation
C. Explanations of nature
D. The hero's journey



A. The dangers of arrogance


Their arrogance is what led Oedipus to kill the stranger/ his father, so it makes sense that this would be the answer. Words such as "insolent" also support this conclusion because insolent means "showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect."

But just to confirm let's use process of elimination and take a look at the other ones

B. Physical transformation -- no one and no thing is changing their physical form

C. Explanations of nature -- there is no theme of natural events or any sort of interaction with nature

D. The hero's journey -- one could argue that this could be a step of the hero's journey but not to describe this one event

Hope this helps!




In 35 words or fewer, describe a character from a movie, book, fairytale, video game, play, or another story that is round and has internal



book: great expectations: pip


Pip, an orphan about seven years old he lives with his sister who abuses him. Pip dreamed of becoming a blacksmith like his kind brother-in-law, Pip never feels comfortable with himself and when he mingles among the wealthy, he decides that a life of privilege would be more beneficial to him.


Can you describe spongebob or something, not tryna be funny.