Which of the following is not a federal country?a. India
b. Switzerland
c. France
d. United States


Answer 1
Answer: A Federation is a country that is composed of a number of smaller places such as states. From the list the following places are federations: India (some example states are: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal), Switzerland (its states are known as Cantons) and the United States. France is not a federation and is therefore the correct answer.

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i would see the stars

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To provide justice to the victims of violence.


  • The truth and reconciliation commission in the south Africa was a court practice restorative justice and started after the apartheid ad was initiated by the government in 1995. And the victims were asked to give there a statement of the violations. And it works as for human rights violation, rehabilitation committee ad amnesty committee.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was a court-like body assembled in South Africa after the end of Apartheid. Anybody who felt they had been a victim of violence could come forward and be heard at the TRC. Perpetrators of violence could also give testimony and request amnesty from prosecution.

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Sedimentary rocks is the answer

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Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have differentA. numbers of electrons.
B. numbers of protons.
C. numbers of neutrons.
D. types of subatomic particles.


C. numbers of neutrons.

Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have differentnumbers of neutrons. They are variation of the same element. Often isotopes are radioactive, as they are not stable element, and they have various uses: for example, the isotope of the Carbonium with 14 neutrons - C14 - is used to calculate the date of certain ancient objects.

Compared to atoms of the same element, isotopes have different c) numbers of neutrons. Even though this occurs, the proton number remains the same. These are seen as a variation within the same chemical element.

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About a year. Specifically around 365.256 days.