The loss of two major sources of income crippled the French economy right before the onset of the Great Depression. What were they? wine industry foreign tourism wool manufacturing war reparations


Answer 1



-War reparations


The Great Depression is a name for a worldwide economic depression lasting from 1929 to the late 1930s or 1940s, depending on individual countries. Depression in economical terms is a severe downturn in economic activity.

-French recovered their self-confidence after WWI as they did manage to defeat their long lasting enemies, the Germans. But French economy was devastated during WWI and much of its industrial zone was, for the most of the war, under German control which made imminent recovery very difficult.

-Also it had huge war debts and lack of manpower and labor force which further slowed recovery. But France would manage to rebuild its economy during the ‘roaring 1920s’, mostly through the aid of US investment and German war reparations.

Answer 2


The correct answers are foreign tourism and war reparations.


For Foreign Tourism-

During the 1920's tourism was an important economic sector in France, but due to the Wall Street crack in 1929, many big economies entered in a period of recession which caused the downfall of foreign tourist flow. This hit the French economy which entered in recession in 1931.

For War Reparations-

In 1923 Germany's economy was in default and, for that reason, it couldn't afford any longer the war reparations payments it engaged to pay to France in the Treaty of Versailles. These war reparations payments were an important source of economic resources for France, used mainly to pay war loans that France had with the US. Without this source of money, the French economy started to cripple.

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The three eras within the phanerozoic eon are paleozoic (ancient life), _____ (middle life), and cenozoic (recent life).


The correct answer is Mesozoic (middle life)


The Phanerozoic Eon is the geological eon we are in, which began 543 million years ago to nowadays, this eon includes three different eras, the first one is the Paleozoic or ancient life in which fish, reptiles and amphibians dominated; the second is the Mesozoic or middle life in which there were reptiles (dinosaurs) dominated and mammals and bird evolved and the Cenozoic (recent life) which is the era we are in mainly dominated by mammals and in the last years humans. The name Mesozoic derives from Grees as in Greek meso means between and zoic is animal or life, thus the geological period between the Paleozoic and the Cenozoic is the Mesozoic.

The three eras within the phanerozoic eon are Paleozoic (ancient life), Mesozoic (middle life), and Cenozoic (recent life).

Was the Renaissance truly a historical break from the Middle Ages? a) Yes b) No



a) Yes


The Renaissance is considered a historical break from the Middle Ages for several reasons:

Intellectual and Cultural Shift: The Renaissance was characterized by a significant shift in intellectual and cultural values. It marked a revival of interest in classical antiquity, particularly the literature, art, and philosophy of ancient Greece and Rome. This contrasted with the medieval emphasis on theology and scholasticism.

Humanism: Humanism, a key intellectual movement of the Renaissance, celebrated the value of human potential, creativity, and achievement. It emphasized individualism, human reason, and the study of classical texts, which departed from the more religious and collective focus of the Middle Ages.

Artistic Achievements: Renaissance art and architecture displayed a break from medieval styles. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael produced works that showcased a more naturalistic representation of the human form and the world, departing from the stylized and symbolic art of the Middle Ages.

Scientific Advancements: The Renaissance saw important scientific advancements, particularly in the fields of astronomy, mathematics, and anatomy. This scientific progress was a departure from the medieval reliance on tradition and dogma.

Printing Revolution: The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century allowed for the mass production of books. This facilitated the spread of knowledge and was a significant departure from the laborious process of manuscript copying in the Middle Ages.

Secularism: While religion remained a central aspect of Renaissance life, there was a growing emphasis on secularism and the pursuit of knowledge and culture for its own sake, rather than solely for religious purposes.

Geographical Exploration: The Renaissance era saw the Age of Exploration, with European explorers discovering and mapping new lands. This expanded horizons and ushered in the modern age of global exploration.

While the Renaissance built upon and retained elements of the Middle Ages, it represented a clear and distinct break in terms of cultural, intellectual, and artistic values, marking a transition to the modern era.

The British government decided to tax the American coloniesa. to pay off war debts.
b. to teach the colonies a lesson.
c. to increase the standard of living in Britain.
d. to finance westward expansion.


the answer is b, to pay off war debts

An example of a location that directly shows government in action is a


A prime example of a location that directly showcases government in action is a courthouse. Courthouses serve as physical symbols of the justice system and the rule of law.

They are where legal proceedings, trials, and hearings take place, demonstrating the government's role in upholding and enforcing the law. Inside courthouses, judges, lawyers, and other legal professionals work to administer justice, resolve disputes, protect individual rights, and ensure public safety.

They represent the government's commitment to due process, fairness, and the safeguarding of citizens' legal rights. Courthouses are where the legal system comes to life, making them a tangible representation of government's authority and accountability.

Learn more about Courthouses :


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Explain what push and pull factors are and how they affect migration.



Push factors “push” people away from their home and include things like war. Pull factors “pull” people to a new home and include things like better opportunities. The reasons people migrate are usually economic, political, cultural, or environmental.



A "push" would be something that may prevent you from saying yes to something or prevent you from doing that option, it pushes you towards the other choice. A "pull" makes it easier to make that choice, it pulls you in that direction (metaphorically). Pull factors affect those who migrate because these pull factors may be better jobs and better homes for their family which would pull them towards migrating. Something that may push them would be the risks of getting caught and arrested or even worse.


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