They increased Britain’s influence in China.
Global conflicts can also bring about a decrease in international trade for the offending nation as a sort of punishment. With international trade comes trade embargoes if two or more nations don't get along. This is usually carried out by the UN but can also be done on a state by state basis.
International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories because there is a need or want of goods or services.
This Option examines war, peace, and security on a global and historicalscale to reveal the contingent decisions, random accidents, and deviousschemes which continue to be at the root of violence around the world.
To learn more about international trade
They all have an effect on one another. With international trade comes trade embargoes if two or more nations don't get along. Global conflicts can also bring about a decrease in international trade for the offending nation as a sort of punishment. This is usually carried out by the UN but can also be done on a state by state basis.
1. Aristocracy - People of the highest social class or nobility
The term deriving from the Greek aristokratia, which means "rule of the best-born", refers to people of the highest social class of certain societies, usually referring to people of noble birth, considered privileged.
2. Diaspora - The scattering of a people from their homeland
Diaspora is the movement, migration, or scattering of a people from their homeland. An example of this in history was the settling of scattered colonies of Jews outside ancient Palestine after their exile from Babylon.
3. Messiah - Someone regarded as a savior or liberator of a people
In the Christian religion, Jesus is regarded as a Messiah: He is remembered as a savior and liberator of people.
4. Monotheistic - A religious belief that worships only one god.
The doctrine or belief of the existence of only one God. Judaism and Islam are examples of monotheistic religions.
5. Polytheistic - A belief that many gods control the universe
The doctrine or belief of the existence of more than one God. Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism are Polytheistic religions.
6. Torah - The primary holy book of Judaism
Torah is the book upon Judaism is based, therefore it's its primary holy book.
covenant-a solemn agreement between two or more parties
diaspora the scattering of a people from their homeland
Messiah-Someone regarded as a savior or liberator of a people – e.g., Jesus Christ
monotheistic a belief in one god controlling the universe
protectorate a region controlled and defended by a more powerful state
religion-beliefs concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities
revenue-money that comes into a business from the sale of goods or services
Torah-the primary holy book of Judaism
A. The Bill of Rights
B. The Articles
C. The Preamble
D. The Declaration
A) The Bill of Rights
Bill Of Rights
The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion. It sets rules for due process of law and reserves all powers not delegated to the Federal Government to the people or the States.
Also took the test..
the answer is this: it deteriorated.
An indentured servant is an employee who, within a system of servitude, is bound by a contract (deed) to work for a particular employer for a fixed period of time. The employer often allows assigning the work of a contractor to a third party. People in this situation usually undertake, by deed, to a specific payment or other benefit, or to fulfill a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. In many countries, servant work systems have been banned.
Between half and two-thirds of the white immigrants who went to the American colonies between the 1630s and the American Revolution were under indenture. However, although nearly half of the European immigrants in the Thirteen Colonies were indentured servants, when they were outnumbered by workers who had never been slaves, or when their respective deeds expired, free wage labor became more prevalent for Europeans in the colonies.