to the development of West Africa?
9. What were Mansa Musas most
important achievements?
10. What caused the downfall of Songhai?
7. The harsh conditions in the Sahara and the plains make difficult to pass from Sub-Saharian Africa to the Arabic Peninsula.
8. It allowed the establishment of large empires like the Mali, Ghana and Songhai empires which enrichened Africa in different aspects.
9. Musa favoured the Islam expansion over West Africa. Also, he supported with resources and architechts the construction of mosques and madrasas. Nevertheless, during his pilgrimaga to Mecca, he collapsed the economy in Egypt and North Africa.
10. A sucession civil war between the descendants of king Askia Mohammad I wich led to a Moroccan invasion.
Calhoun supported states' rights and nullification, through which states could declare null and void federal laws that they viewed as unconstitutional.