"Pair aerobic exercise with fresh foods!"
"These pre-packaged products encourage muscle gains!"
"You can add ten pounds of muscle mass by next week!"
"Pair aerobic exercise with fresh foods!"
In order to promote healthy living they should use the sentnce that promotes aerobic exercise with fresh foods, so they are promoting a balanced diet and a healthier style of life by setting people for exercise and ecnouraging them and telling them that not only a good diet is necessary in order to have a healthy life, exercise is also a must do.
- Have the person drink ice water
- Elevate the feet over the head
- Submerge the person in ice water
Take these steps to prevent heatstroke during hot weather:
Wear loosefitting, lightweight clothing. ...
Protect against sunburn. ...
Drink plenty of fluids. ...
Take extra precautions with certain medications. ...
Never leave anyone in a parked car. ...
Take it easy during the hottest parts of the day. ...
Get acclimated.
C) shoulder
Place one hand on the person's forehead and put the fingers of your other hand under the chin. Press down on the forehead and lift out the chin so that the mouth is slightly open.