Part of Lincoln's Reconstruction plan stated that a state could be readmitted into the Union when _____ percent of its voters in the presidential election of 1860 had taken an oath of allegiance to the United States.a. 1
b. 5
c. 10
d. 15


Answer 1
Answer: Part of Lincoln's Reconstruction plan stated that a state could be readmitted into the Union when "C. 10" percent of its voters in the presidential election of 1860 had taken an oath of allegiance to the United States, since this was much lower than the Radical Republicans had hoped for. 

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People who are opposed to increasing immigration levels state that immigrants:A) are not supportive of the United States
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The correct answers are A) are not supportive of the United States and D) take jobs away from American citizens.

People who are opposed to increasing immigration levels state that immigrants: are not supportive of the United States and take jobs away from American citizens.

That is why a sentiment of nativism was developed in the United States. US citizens started to reject immigrants saying that they came just to take the jobs that belonged to white Americans. These American citizens did not like to intermingle with other nationalities and reject the idea that other customs, cultures, and traditions could mix with the American culture.

The correct answer is A

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How did public opinion about the purchase of Alaska in 1867 differ from the view of historians today?


The purchase of Alaska was generally viewed as positive, but some felt that we didn't have the population to fill it, and, as with the Indians, it would be hard to govern indigenous people. Most people now approve because of Alaska's vast resources. I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.

Final answer:

Public opinion about the purchase of Alaska in 1867 was initially negative but historians today recognize it as a strategic move by the United States, providing access to resources and expanding influence in the Pacific.


Public opinion about the purchase of Alaska in 1867 differed from the view of historians today in several ways:

  1. At the time, the purchase was mocked in the press as 'Seward's Folly' and criticized as a waste of money. However, historians today recognize it as a strategic boon to the United States, as it provided access to valuable resources and expanded American influence in the Pacific.
  2. Public opinion in 1867 was influenced by concerns about the cost of the purchase ($7.2 million) and doubts about the value of the territory. In contrast, historians today recognize the long-term benefits of the purchase, including the discovery of oil and other natural resources in Alaska.
  3. During the time of the purchase, the idea of manifest destiny and the belief in American expansionism were prevalent. Public opinion saw the purchase as a way to fulfill these ideals. In contrast, historians today view the purchase in the context of imperialism and recognize the complex history of Indigenous peoples in Alaska.

Learn more about purchase of Alaska in 1867 here:


Historical are identified across times, places, ideas, institutions, cultures, people, and events.


Generally speaking, historical "periods" are identified across times, places, ideas, institutions, cultures, people and events, since these tend to encapsulate the specific nature of the time.




What benefits and dangers does Morton


well it all depends on what your talking about