From the first encounter between Oberon and Titania in “A midsummer night’s dream”, we learned that they are husband and wife, king and queen of the Fairies. But they have rejected each other. Because they have not laid together they have caused a major shift in nature: harvests rot, rivers floods and the cattle die. “…the spring, the summer/ The childing autumn, angry winter, change/ Their wonted liveries, and the mazed world/ By their increase, now knows not which is which/ And this same progeny of evils comes/ From our debate, from our dissension/ We are their parents and original”.
So, they control nature, they are responsible of the seasonal cycle. In order to make up and stop these catastrophes, Oberon asks her to give him the “little changeling boy” she has taken from India, but Titania refuses since she wants to raise him because his mother, who has died, was a votaress of her order.
b. The cat ate one-half of the treats.
c. He added one-third cup of flour.
B. a reflection of a significant experience or an insight gained into life
Answer: there are minor plyers who dont speak
there are minor players who dont speak
B. informal and impassioned
C. bitter and controlled
D.impersonal and stiff