2.5 million years ago ok
A) 21
First, we need to order them in number order. That would look like:
13, 17, 21, 21, 23, 25
Next, we cancel off numbers from the ends one by one.
17, 21, 21, 23
21, 21
Final Answer: Our median is 21.
World War II changed the lives of women and men in many ways. Wartime needs increased labor demands for both male and female workers, heightened domestic hardships and responsibilities, and intensified pressures for Americans to conform to social and cultural norms.
Hope this helps
-A Helping Friend
According to Kevin Hymel, historian at the U.S. Air Force Medical Service History Office,“With their men away, women became more self-sufficient. Many brought tools home from work and used them on their own home repairs. They took on domestic roles they never had before.”
It’s estimated that up to six million women joined the civilian work force during World War II in both white and blue-collar jobs, such as:
streetcar operators
taxi drivers
construction workers
steel workers
lumber workers
munitions workers
agriculture workers
government workers
office workers
Women served in dangerous roles in the U.S. military.
Around 350,000 women served in the military during World War II. “Women in uniform took on mostly clerical duties as well as nursing jobs,” said Hymel.
“The motto was to free a man up to fight. Some women became translators in Naval Intelligence, enabling them to read classified enemy communiques. One woman said when she was inducted to Naval Intelligence, an admiral spoke to the assembled women and told them, ‘If you talk about anything you do here, we can legally kill you.’”
Women also served as truck drivers, radio operators, engineers, photographers and non-combat pilots. And the all-black, all-women 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion was sent first to Birmingham, England, and then to Rouen, France, to process huge backlogs of undelivered mail.
According to Hymel, “The women in the most danger were nurses, who often came under artillery and aircraft fire near the front lines. They lived in the elements, sometimes in mud, heat and freezing temperatures, yet performed their duties alongside their male counterparts.”
The economy of Germany crippled because it lost the battle in World War I.
Its economy slowed down as it was asked to pay heavy restitution charges and accept the accountability of initializing war against allied forces. This payment of huge money inhibited Germany to economically grow and sustain.
The authoritative supremacy of the allied forces enraged Germany that it became vulnerable to support the radical views of Nazis. Germany was also forced to be held accountable for the massive destruction of war
b. Concern over the outbreak of war with France
c. a major economic crisis involving bank failures, foreclosures and unemployment
d. Fear of a massive slave uprising