1 of 2 rivers in Mesopotamia crucial t ok life


Answer 1

Mesopotamia was born between two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. Both were crucial for the life in civilization due to several reasons.

One is agriculture, as rivers provide water that's important for crops. Another one is drinking water and water used for hygiene. The third reason is the fact that there is always mud around rivers, which was used for building houses.

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How did the mona lisa change leonardo da vinci



The creation of the Mona Lisa elevated Leonardo da Vinci's status as an artist, inspiring him to continuously improve his skills. The painting's enigmatic expression and artistic innovation showcased his talent and left an enduring mark on art history, influencing future generations of artists.


In summary, the creation of the Mona Lisa was a transformative event in Leonardo da Vinci's life and career. It showcased his artistic brilliance, motivated his pursuit of perfection, delved into the complexities of human expression, left an indelible mark on art history, and elevated his status as both an artist and a polymath of the Renaissance.


The Mona Lisa had a profound impact on Leonardo da Vinci in several ways:


The Mona Lisa had a profound impact on Leonardo da Vinci in several ways:

1. Artistic Mastery: Painting the Mona Lisa allowed da Vinci to showcase his exceptional skills as a painter. The masterpiece demonstrated his ability to achieve lifelike details, such as the enigmatic smile and the play of light and shadow. This further solidified his reputation as a skilled artist.

2. Technical Innovations: In creating the Mona Lisa, da Vinci experimented with new techniques and materials. For example, he employed sfumato, a technique that involves subtle blending of colors and tones to create a soft and smoky effect. This technique, along with others used in the painting, pushed the boundaries of artistic expression and influenced subsequent generations of artists.

3. Attention to Portraiture: The Mona Lisa marked a shift in da Vinci's approach to portraiture. Instead of simply capturing a physical likeness, he aimed to convey the subject's inner thoughts and emotions. This psychological depth and realism in portraiture became a hallmark of his work and left a lasting impact on the art world.

4. Enduring Legacy: The fame and acclaim that the Mona Lisa achieved during da Vinci's lifetime and continues to hold today significantly contributed to his reputation as one of the greatest artists in history. The painting has become an iconic symbol of Renaissance art and da Vinci's artistic genius.

Overall, the creation of the Mona Lisa not only showcased da Vinci's talent but also pushed the boundaries of art, leaving a lasting impact on his artistic style, technical innovations, and legacy as an artist.

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Global Civil Society is about understanding globalization from 'below'. In other words, from ordinary people's perspectives.

They operate across borders and beyond the reach of governments. Civil society organizations can include community groups, non-governmental organisations, social movements, labor unions, indigenous groups, charitable organisations, faith-based organisations, media operators, academia, diaspora groups, lobby and consultancy groups, think tanks and research centers, professional associations, and foundations.

The 'global' part is doing all of these things at an international scale. Think of global civil society as the space outside the government and corporate 'stuff'.

I did some research on this myself. Hope it helps somewhat.

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What did Chief Justice warren say about how Miranda's confession was made?


"The person in custody must, prior to interrogation, be clearly informed that he has the right to remain silent, and that anything he says will be used against him in court; he must be clearly informed that he has the right to consult with a lawyer and to have the lawyer with him during interrogation, and that, if he is indigent, a lawyer will be appointed to represent him"- Chief Justice Earl Warren


Miranda incriminated himself without knowing that he could refuse.


According to the Fifth Amendment, people who are accused of a crime cannot A.be tried twice for the same crime.
B.be arrested for two different crimes.
C.be forced to pay excessive fines.
D.be forced to follow rules for a trial.



the fifth amendment states that no person shall be held to answer for a capitol, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger, nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

According to the fifth amendment, people who are accused of a crime cannot be tried twice for the same crime. This is because the fifth amendment allows people to refuse to testify against themselves in court. This amendment also says that a person cannot be punished without due process of law and the person cannot go to travel twice for the same Geo this is because the fifth amendment allows people to refuse to testify against themselves in court. This amendment also says that a person cannot be punished without due process of law and the person cannot go to trial twice for the same charge.

Penny has two dogs: Fluffy (left) and Butch (right). Penny thinks her dogs might enjoy a little adventure. She owns two identical small red wagons with four wheels.Fluffy
Penny puts Fluffy in one wagon and pushes the wagon, once, as hard as she can. Penny puts Butch in the other wagon and pushes it once, also as hard as she can. Both of the wagons travel across a level surface. Will the motion of the two wagons be different?
Yes; Fluffy's wagon will stop first.
Yes; Butch's wagon will move faster.
No; the wagons will both move in the same way.
Yes; Fluffy's wagon will move faster.





Study Island

It have to be 4 because 1 Fluffy went first so she will stop first and 2 the are opposite so they won’t go at the same speed