The __________ in a bridged network will be the source of the greatest loss in the transmission.


Answer 1


Free Space Path Loss

The Free Space Path Loss in a bridged network will be the source of the greatest loss in the transmission.


-Free-space path loss (FSPL) is the loss in signal strength of an electromagnetic wave that would result from a line-of-sight path through free space (usually air), with no obstacles nearby to cause reflection or diffraction.

-Free-space path loss is proportional to the square of the distance between the transmitter and receiver, and also proportional to the square of the frequency of the radio signal. This value is usually calculated by discounting any obstacles or reflections that might occur in its path.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The network bridge can be the source of the greatest loss in a network's transmission. It can cause delays due to processing times and data queueing. However, impacts are usually minute and can be mitigated with advanced technologies.


In a bridged network, the source of the greatest loss in transmission can generally be attributed to the network bridge itself. This is because the network bridge operates by receiving, processing, and forwarding data from one network segment to others. During this process, the bridge may produce delays, also known as latency. This latency is caused by factors like processing times and data queueing, which could potentially result in a loss in transmission.

The impact of this loss is usually minute and almost imperceptible in smaller networks but can become more significant as the size and complexity of the network increase. Bridging technologies have evolved significantly to mitigate this impact, for example, by using intelligent forwarding algorithms and advanced hardware capabilities.

Learn more about Network Bridge here:


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While biodiversity includes the number of species in a given area, it also includes:- overall number of trophic levels in a food web.
- unique phylogenetic lineages.
- abiotic factors that define the community.
- amount of primary productivity.


''Unique phylogenetic lineages.'' is the correct answer.

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the total number of species that are present in a place.

Biodiversity helps in the measuring of variation at the species, genetic, and ecosystem level. Phylogenetic lineage shows the relationship between different biological species so we can conclude that ''Unique phylogenetic lineages.'' is the right statement.

Learn more about biodiversity here:


Unique phylogenetic lineages. (Ans. B)


Biodiversity: It is defined as the total species or variety of species present in a place on earth. This variety common measurement is known as species richness, it is defined as the count of species present in an area.

It is helping in to measure variation at the species, genetic, and ecosystem level. Phylogenetic lineage showing the relationship (evolutionary) between different biological species. Their phylogeny is determined by the differences and similarities in their genetic characters.

Which process plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus?


The biogeochemical cycles move through mainly the biotic and abiotic components of the earth, more elaborately the spheres -biospheres, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere regions of the ecosystem. These biogeochemical cycles, from its terminology and discernable word morphology- involves the biological, geological and chemical components that make out to complete an exact and purposed cycle. The purpose in these cycles are to maintain balance and to ensure the ongoing process of the living and non-living organisms in the environment. These cycles’ help to living organisms survive and thrive. One popular example is the water cycle. 

Final answer:

The biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus carry these elements through ecosystems, cycling them among living organisms and the environment. These cycles involve processes such as photosynthesis, decomposition, and various nitrogen transformations, with organisms like marine bacteria playing key roles. This understanding is vital for maintaining Earth's ecosystems.


The biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus are essential to the functioning of ecosystems, as these cycles control the movement of these substances through the biosphere. In these cycles, elements are recycled between abiotic factors of the environment (like water, air, soil, and geological formations) and biotic organisms (living creatures).

Carbon, an integral part of all organic compounds, is cycled through processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition. The ocean is a major reservoir of carbon and plays a significant role in its cycle.

The Nitrogen Cycle is a biological process that converts nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into different nitrogen compounds that can be used by plants. These compounds are then passed along the food chain. The processes involved include nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification.

Similarly, Phosphorus is cycled through the environment. This is an important nutrient present in nucleic acids and phospholipids and is a major component of bones. Unlike carbon and nitrogen, the phosphorus cycle does not include a gas phase, existing primarily in solid and aquatic stages.

In all these cycles, various organisms play critical roles. For instance, marine bacteria process nitrogen in the ocean, and certain bacteria in the soil can fix atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. Understanding and preserving these cycles are crucial for the health of Earth's ecosystems.

Learn more about Biogeochemical Cycles here:


During a discussion about ecosystems, a student says, "plants eat sunlight, and animals eat other organisms." which response to the students comment is most accurate


The student says ' plants eat sunlight, and animals eat plant'. This statement is not accurate. The plants do not eat sunlight. The plants are known to use the energy from the sunlight to make their own food. The sunlight helps in carrying out the metabolic processes in the plants, which result in the formation of the sugar molecules, these sugar molecules act as the food for others.

Hence, it can be said that the plant make their food using sunlight and the animals eat plants as a food source,

5. Which of the following must an animal do to survive?- Reproduce
- Breath air
- Maintain homeostasis
- dig a burrow


The correct answer is Breath air. Reproduciton, homeostasis, and burrow digging, are not necessary for the survival of a single animal. 

True or False, DNA is not always available in a hair sample.


False, DNA is always available in a hair sample. In forensic analysis of DNA from hair samples is used for identification. Hair is not interchangeably used to describe DNA. However, hair is a source for DNA. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.

Answer: The given statement is True.

Nuclear DNA is present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. When working with the DNA samples, the best source of nuclear DNA is hair root that anchors the whole shaft of hair. Hair root possesses cells that are called as keratinocytes. These cells are ideal for the extraction of nuclear DNA.

But, DNA is not always available in a hair sample as it can not be extracted from shaft of hair ( since it undergoes cornification that destroys the genetic material of the cells).

Thus, given statement is True.

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