I believe the answer is: The number of fiscal quarters the employee worked during his or her lifetime and the amount of money the employee contributed to the Social Security Trust Fund.
The amount in Social security trust fund is being added through direct deduction of the employee's base salary before the pension time. Which mean that as the employee use less of their money for their consumption during productive years, the amount of money that they would receive after retiring would be increased.
A business cycle is the periodic growth and decline of a nation's economy, measured mainly by its GDP. Governments try to manage business cycles by spending, raising or lowering taxes, and adjusting interest rates. Business cycles can affect individuals in a number of ways, from job-hunting to investing.
b. Memorandums be sent without a From header.
c. Business letters should be sent from a Post Office
d. E-mails are deleted after they are sent
I believe the answer is: a. You always enter mass email addresses into the BCc
In this context, bcc refers to blind carbon copy. When you put an Email address of a certain recipients on bcc fields, other recipients would not be able to see it. Doing this could prevent the spread of computer malware, spam, or viruses by avoiding the perpetrators to accumulate block-list of e-mail addresses available to all Bcc.
B) livestock to start small businesses.
C) the grain to raise livestock from Heifer International.