In the last decade, the largest numbers of refugees to the United States have come from all of the following countries, except __________.a. Haiti
b. Burma
c. Somalia
d. Iran


Answer 1
Answer: In the last decade, the largest numbers of refugees to the United States have come from all of the following countries, except __________.a. Haitib. Burmac. Somaliad. Iran

A. Haiti

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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "d. All of the above." The rights to citizens of the United States have that the Burmese people do not includes Freedom of speech, Freedom of association, The right to vote.



The answer to all three questions is  

1. The current head of the National league for democracy

2. A military dictatorship

3. All of the above.

I got this 100% correct.

Ivy is an alcoholic who has completed a supervised substance-abuse rehabilitation program. jerold is morbidly obese. kim has heart disease. considered to have a disability under the americans with disabilities act is


Health conditions that have been considered disabilities under the federal law are : Blindness, Alcoholism, Heart disease, Cerebral Palsy, Cancer, Diabetes, Muscular Dystrophy,  AIDS, Paraplegia, HIV positive, Morbid obesity, Previous drug abuse problems.  So, Ivy, Jerold & Kim are all considered to have disability under ADA  (Americans with Disabilities Act). 

Yes, Ivy, Jerold, and Kim are considered to have a disability under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Further explanation:

The conditions that have been considered disability under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) are Alcoholism, Blindness, Cancer, Diabetes, AIDS, HIV positive, Blindness, Muscular Dystrophy and other problems.


According to the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), the company in which Meg is working should provide her appropriate setting for work which should not become an obstacle for her at work. The company should give a proper accommodation facility.

The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against employees who have mental or physical disabilities. This Act doesn’t protect employees with temporary or minor conditions. This Act prohibits exploitation and discrimination against employees with psychological, cognitive and physical disabilities.

Under this Act, employees who are deaf and have problems related to hearing then those employees may be protected from discrimination at the workplace. Employees with neck pain and back pain qualify as a disability under the ADA, the company must give reasonable accommodation to his employee.  

Mental conditions like depression also often qualify as a disability under this Act, fo which reasonable accommodation would be given to employees.

Learn more:

1. Which statement is true about the factors affecting physical fitness?

2. Which of the following activities belongs to the top of the physical activity pyramid?

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject:  Social Studies

Topic: The American with Disabilities Act

Keywords: disability, obstacle, discrimination, psychological, cognitive, accommodation, employee, physical disabilities

The Torah consists of five books that include __________.a. the Islamic book of prayer
b. a compilation of Judaic law
c. writings of all Jewish prophets
d. the first books of the Qur’an





The Torah is the Jewish bible or book of codes. So it is the Jewish law book per say.

Final answer:

The Torah is a compilation of five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. They primarily contain Judaic law, narratives, and ethical teachings, but do not encompass all the writings of Jewish prophets or any section of the Qur'an. This makes (b) the correct answer.


The Torah, regarded as the most sacred book in Judaism, consists of a compilation of five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, which together form the Pentateuch, the first part of the Jewish Bible. These books mainly deal with Judaic law, narratives, and ethical teachings but they do not include all the writings of Jewish prophets or any part of the Qur'an, which is the holy book of Islam. So, the correct answer is (b) a compilation of Judaic law. It is crucial to note that while the Torah includes laws, it also narrates historical events and teachings that are fundamental to Jewish beliefs and faith.The subject of this question is Social Studies.

The Torah consists of five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These books are considered holy texts in Judaism and contain various teachings, stories, and laws that are foundational to the religion.

Bold and italics can be used to highlight important terms or concepts in your answer.

Learn more about Torah here:


What country in Asia is off the northwestern coast of North America?



Russia. It's across the Bering Strait from Alaska and is a European, Central Asian and East Asian country.


In the Kolondahar, a small group of high ranking military officers make the decisions that determine national policy. This form of government describes ________.a. a representative democracy
b. a fascist dictatorship
c. an oligarchy
d. a monarchy


In the Kolondahar, a small group of high ranking military officers make the decisions that determine national policy. This form of government describes an oligarchy. 

what generally happens when the senate and the House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill


It is usually sent to a conference committee who will try to reach an agreement and if so, the bill goes back to the Senate and House of Representatives for a final vote. The bill then goes to the President, who can either make the bill a law or the President can veto the bill and the Senate and House have to re-write the bill.

if the House of Representatives and the Senate pass a different version of the same bill, then both the houses will appoint a conference committee. The purpose of the conference committee is to discuss the bill and reach a compromise.

Further Explanation

If the conference committee reaches a compromise, then the bill will be transmitted back to both houses for a final vote

However, if the bill is passed by both houses, then it will be sent to the president for assent. The president can also decide to sign or veto the bill.

If the bill is signed by the president, it becomes law but if he vetoes the bill, then the bill will be sent back to congress.

However, the bill can still be passed into law if it gets a two-thirds majority votes from both the house and the senate.

Also, in line with the constitution, the president has 10 days to act on a bill, if the required 10 days stipulated by law elapses, then the bill will automatically become law.

But if the congress adjourned within the 10 days, then the bill will not become a law.

A bill refers to a proposed law that is under review by a legislature.


  • What generally happens when the Senate and the House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill?
  • What generally happens when the senate and the House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill


  • bill
  • senate
  • house
  • different version
  • law