The USA was one of the forces that lead to the overall downfall of the Soviet Union. Starting with the cold war in 1947, the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a period of militaristic tensions. The Cold War was an arms race between the two superpowers, and had severe, negative, economic effects on both of the countries. This was one way that the United States contributed to the collapse of the USSR. In addition, the states of the Soviet Union didn't allow their people to leave the country, in fear that they would stay somewhere else. But, when people finally figured out that life might actually be better in the United States, people became angry. A final factor was the Berlin Wall. After World War I, Germany was divided among the Allied Powers: France, Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union. But, the Soviet Union, in a way, was unhappy with the way that things turned out. So, it decided to build a wall dividing the communist and capitalist parts of Germany. But, like any wall, it couldn't stay up forever. Eventually, a man by the name of Mikhail Gorbachev came along and started new unprecedented ideas, glasnost and perestroika(openness and freedom). This, along with pressure from the United States (namely president Reagan) caused the Berlin Wall to come down, which was a final factor (at least in this list) in causing the Soviet Union to fall.
B. multiplication
C. the decimal
D. fractions
the answer is A-the number zero (hope i helped!)
-The Clean Air Act and the Superfund
-Superfund is a United States federal government program designed to fund the cleanup of sites contaminated with hazardous substances and pollutants.
-The Clean Air Act is a U.S. federal law intended to reduce air pollution and protect air quality. The act deals with ambient air pollution (that which is present in the open air) as well as source-specific air pollution (that which can be traced to identifiable sources, such as factories and automobiles).
-The act sets standards for air quality that limit the amount of various pollutants to specified levels. It also sets deadlines for governments and industries to meet the standards.
Both were rebel groups created to fight the government. The main difference is geographical: the Viet Minh emerged from the North and fought before the Vietnam War, and the Viet Cong was active in the South and fighting against the United States.
The Viet Minh is known as nationalist, it was formed in opposition against Japanese and French colonial rule in North Vietnam. Its main battle was against the French in order to achieve the country's independence.
The Viet Cong was formed with many of Viet Minh veterans, its ideology was communist. It was formed in opposition to the South Vietnamese government and faded away after Vietnam's unification.