Which of the following is not a correct formula? A)Ba2O B)Ca3N2 C)KCl D)Li2S


Answer 1

Answer:- A. Ba_2O is not the correct formula.

Explanations:- Charge for Ba is +2 and charge for O is -2, Here the charges are in equal and opposite so their ratio is 1:1 and hence the formula must be BaO and not Ba_2O.

Rest of the formulas are correct as charge for Ca is +2 and charge for N is -3 . On criss cross we get the formula Ca_3N_2 .

Charge for K is +1 and charge for Cl is -1 and so KCl is correct.

Charge for Li is +1 and that for S is -2. On criss cross we get the formula Li_2S .

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I don't know


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The heat of reaction is accessible from the heat of formation of reactants and products using the formula below:

ΔH = Σ ΔHf products - Σ ΔHf reactants

Before we proceed, it is important to know that the enthalpy of formation of element is zero ,be it a single element or a molecule of an element.

From the reaction for the formation of sulphuric acid, we know we need to know the heat of formation of sulphur (vi) oxide and water. The examiner is quite generous and have us for water already.

Now we need to calculate for sulphur (vi) oxide. This is calculated as follows:

We first calculate for sulphur(iv)oxide. This can be obtained from the reaction between sulphur and oxygen. The calculation goes thus:

ΔH = Σ ΔHf products - Σ ΔHf reactants

ΔH = [ 1 mole suphur(iv) oxide × x] - [ (1 mole of elemental sulphur × 0) + (1 mole of elemental oxygen × 0]

We were already told this is equal to -296.8KJ. Hence the heat of formation of sulphur(iv) oxide is -296.8KJ.

We then proceed to the second stage.

Now, here we have 1 mole sulphur (iv) oxide reacting with 0.5 mole oxygen molecule.

We go again :

ΔH = Σ ΔHf products - Σ ΔHf reactants

ΔH = [ 1 mole of sulphur (vi) oxide × y] - [ (1 mole of sulphur (iv) oxide × -296.8) + (0.5 mole of oxygen × 0)].

We already know that the ΔH here equals -98.9KJ.

Hence, -98.9 = y + 296.8

y = -296.8KJ - 98.9KJ = -395.7KJ

We now proceed to the final part of the calculation which ironically comes first in the series of sentences.

Now, we want to calculate the standard heat of formation for sulphuric acid. From the reaction, we can see that one mole of sulphur (vi) oxide, reacted with one mole of water to yield one mole of sulphuric acid.

Mathematically, we go again :

ΔH = Σ ΔHf products - Σ ΔHf reactants

ΔH = [ 1 mole of sulphuric acid × z] - [( 1 mole of sulphur vi oxide × -395.7) + ( 1 mole of water × -285.8)].

Now, we know that the ΔH for this particular reaction is -227.8KJ

We then proceed to to open the bracket.

-227.8 = z - (-395.7 - 285.8)

-227.8 = z - ( -681.5)

-227.8 = z + 681.5

z = -227.8-681.5 = -909.3KJ

Hence, ΔH∘f for sulphuric acid is -909.3KJ/mol

Which subatomic particle will be attracted by a positively charged object?(1) proton (3) electron
(2) neutron (4) positron


The subatomic particle which will be attracted by a positively charged object is: Choice 3: Electrons.

By law of electricity; like charges repel while unlike charges attract.

In essence, the subatomic particle which will be attracted to a positively charged object is a negatively charged particle.

Since, protons are positively charged, neutrons have no charge, positrons are positively charged but electrons are negatively charged,

The subatomic particle which will be attracted by a positively charged object is; Electron.

Read. more:


(1) Protons have a positive charge, so will be repelled by other positive charges
(2) Neutrons have no charge, so won't be affected by positive charges
(3) Electrons have a negative charge, so will be attracted by a positive charge
(4) Positrons have a positive charge, so will be repelled by other positive charges

The answer is (3)

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well in this case its percipitation rain hail sleet snow  itll set like water after so long it dissolve itll turn into gases

Draw .. the structural formula ( using c and h ) for 2- pentyne


Answer : The structural formula of 2-pentyne is shown below.

Explanation :

Structural formula : In the structural formula, the bonding and type of bonds which holds the atoms in molecule together are shown.

The given name of compound is, 2-pentyne.

A suffix '-yne' present at the end of the name represent the alkyne group.

For the number of carbon atom, we use prefix as 'meth' for 1, 'eth' for 2, 'prop' for 3, 'but' for 4, 'pent' for 5, 'hex' for 6, 'sept' for 7, 'oct' for 8, 'nona' for 9 and 'deca' for 10.

In this compound, the parent chain is 5 membered and a triple bond is present at 2nd position of the parent chain.

Thus, the structural formula of 2-pentyne is shown below.

answer is below.........