Barbara appears to have engaged in downward comparison.
The social comparison theory was developed by social psychologist Leon Festinger. In this theory, it appears that people have an innate drive to evaluate themselves, often in comparison to others. We sometimes compare ourselves to others as a way of fostering self-improvement and Barbara clearly demonstrated the meaning of social comparison theory
The answer is:
downward comparison
between cola and acid rain
Answer: The government created laws
Without laws the contrey/state would become chaos!
Good Samaritan Laws
Samaritan laws are legal laws in the United States which states to offer legal protection to the people who acts as first aiders and protect other people those who are injured or believed to be ill, mentally distressed, is a victim of crime and assists them to proper medical care.
The good Samaritan laws always protect the first aiders who act in good faith. These laws provide immunity or legal protection to these first aiders to assist others in distress.
This question touches on various aspects related to first aid and emergency health intervention guidelines. It talks about the leading cause of death and disability in children and young adults, the purpose of first aid training, and legal concerns such as implied consent, Good Samaritan laws, and breaching the duty of care.
The leading cause of death and disability in children and young adults is unintentional injuries, primarily due to accidents such as falls, automobile, and motorcycle accidents, and severe cases, head injuries which could lead to immediate death, disability, bleeding, and infections. Regarding first aid training, its primary beneficiary is oneself. Providing the first aid accurately allows for rapid recovery instead of long hospitalization, also, it can mean the difference between life and death or even between temporary and permanent injury.
If the victim is unresponsive, the permission to execute first aid is called Implied Consent. In cases of psychiatric emergencies, a police officer has the authority to restrain and transport a person against their will. Negligence, a deviation from the accepted standards of care can result in further injuries to the victim.
In a scenario where a first aider fails to provide the type of care that another person with a similar level of training would provide, this is referred to as Breach of Duty. Good Samaritan laws protect first-aiders acting in good faith from lawsuits and encourage people to help others in distress. The level of care a first aider is expected to give ranges from proper medical care, and standard of care, to exceptional care.
Utilitarian ethics is based on the belief of evaluating the benefits and harms of actions. In this case the action is lying to the young team in order to keep their spirts high and encourage the team to continue to play and have fun.
So lying although by some considered as unethical, utilitarian ethics considers it acceptable when the action (the lie) has a greater benefit or minimizes harm, than not lying.
Utilitarian ethics does not consider it immoral to lie if the lie has a greater benefit or it reduces harm. It could even be considered immoral not to lie because of the harm it could cause, in this case to the young team.
In this example if the girls' soccer coach did not lie it could hurt the spirts of the young soccer team, and could discourage them from continuing to play and have fun.
So Kathleen the girls' soccer coach estimated the consequence of the lie as a greater benefit than telling the truth and possibly hurting the teams spirits and fun.
Although it seems reasonable to lie to the team and not hurt their feelings, some critizise this approach. The problem that critics have with utilitarian ethics is that people could erronuesly estimate the consequence of the lie and the harm or benefits it could have.
For example, maybe by telling the team the truth it would encourage the team to improve and grow by correcting their mistakes and having a positive outcome.
So although lying could seem as the right thing to do for Kathleen, other coaches could have a different approach, and ethical thought should be considered when making decisions that could harm or benefit people.
Answer and Explanation:
One must not take any narcotic elements. He or she dies not have smoke or take alcohol.
He should take nutritious food so that there is no lack of vitamin, minerals, proteins etc. Consumption of vegetables should be more than animal proteins.
For long lasting life one should do exercise everyday. A particular routine should be maintained.
Meditation is really helpful to an individual for healthy life .
His social life must be healthy. He should have good relationship with others around him. It keeps him free from anxiety and worries.
He should be free from worries and tension. They are great enemy of life and cause dangerous threat to life.
He should have happy family life with good relationship with the family members.
He should take necessary water and food. There should not be excessive consumption of food a d drinks.
He should maintain health checkup in a regular ways.
He should be free himself from any type of greed and covetousness.
He must be friendly and familiar. He should not be bothered with insignificant matters.
One should not take medicine unnecessarily. It has dangerous side effects.
He should have healthy sexual life. It keeps one physically and mentally fit.
He should not do excessive work and must have sufficient leisure.
He should spend time with those activities what he likes.
He should live in a pollution-free environment so that he can take fresh breath.