you have to find the common denominator for the 2 fractions. leave 1/6 the same and turn ½ into 3/6. then you can add 1/6+3/6 and get 4/6 then divide the numerator and the denominator by 2 any get ⅔ so ⅔ is your answer Hope I helped :)
1/2. 1/6 1/2×3=3/6 3/6+1/6=4/6 4/6=2/3
Jennifer it's two pennies 105 times how many times can expect both going to come up heads
Jennifer has two pennies. She flips both pennies 105 times each. How many times can she expect both pennies to come up heads simultaneously?
Assuming I have correctly interpreted your question, The probability both coins come up heads is Thus the expected number of simultaneous heads is 105/4 or 26.25
ken keeps paper clips in a box that is the shape of a cube. Each side of the cube is 3 inches. What is the volume of the cube?
Volume of cube is length ^ 3 = 3^3 = 9 cubic inches.