The answer is precise, to support the other peopson's answer
It's your fault ...
As you are giving irrelevant answers...
Explanation: The word "complex" doesn't mean complicated. In a complex sentence one of the clauses depends on another clause.
Have they heard anything about they're lost dog?
I thought those books were there's.
When you're finished playing the game, put it away.
Don't put the dog's food in it's bowl yet.
1. Reading this text will make people aware of the effect a pandemic can have on the existence and continuity of languages.
2. This text is worth reading because the issues raised in it are universal and affect every community in the world that speaks an indigenous language. India, Brazil, and Peru were some countries listed that were affected by the issues raised. Many more are affected.
3. A reader would come to realize the importance of language and the need for its continuity. The point is that, when a language is lost, concepts, ways of reasoning, subtle variations, history, songs, traditions, etc., are lost.
This article by Terrence McCoy is an eye-opener to the fact that since the pandemic affected mostly older people with weak immunity, the death of these old ones would also affect their roles and responsibilities as custodians of language and culture.
1. The article says that Aritana Yawalapiti was 71 years old when he died of the corona virus disease. He spoke five languages and his death means that all five languages are gone with him.
2. Language is unique to every tribe and region and since the pandemic affected the world, the language loss would also affect most languages in the world so it is important that everyone reads this article so as to see ways to salvage their language from extinction.
3. This article is very beneficial as it shows the importance of language and why it should be preserved.
Part I: Realistic, Specific, and Measurable
Think of three things you would like to accomplish. You may choose to create short-term, long-term, or a combination of goals. Your goals may be related to school, sports, music, or anything else that is important to you.
Write a SMART goal for each of the things you would like to accomplish. You will write a total of three goals. Include steps to achieve each goal.
Review the three goals you wrote. Are the goals realistic? If not, make edits to change them into more realistic goals. Are the goals specific? If not, make edits to change them into more specific goals. Are the goals measurable? Do they include short-term and long-term steps? If not, make edits to change them into more measurable goals.
Part II: Five Goals and Web 2.0
Use Web 2.0 tools to creatively publish your three goals and the short- and long-term steps to achieving each of them.
Web 2.0 tools can include, and are not limited to, applications related to the following:
Digital imaging
Knowledge sharing
Media sharing
Social networking
If you are not sure what some of these terms mean, visit the Web 2.0 section of the course for more information on each, and specific applications you can use with each.
Setting Goals Rubric:
Setting Goals Grading Rubric
Needs Improvement
All of the following elements are present:
Three goals are included
Each goal is realistic, specific, and measurable
Short- and long-term steps to achieving each goal are included
One of the following elements is missing:
Three goals are included
Each goal is realistic, specific, and measurable
Short- and long-term steps to achieving each goal are included
More than one of the following elements are missing:
Three goals are included
Each goal is realistic, specific, and measurable
Short- and long-term steps to achieving each goal are included
All of the following elements are present:
Writer’s individual style comes through
A creative tool has been used to publish the goals
Web 2.0 tool used is neatly organized
One of the following elements is missing:
Writer’s individual style comes through
A creative tool has been used to publish the goals
Web 2.0 tool used is neatly organized
More than one of the following elements are missing:
Writer’s individual style comes through
A creative tool has been used to publish the goals
Web 2.0 tool used is neatly organized
I would like to get through High School, become a writer, and help people out with their homework. For my first goal I will do my work, for my second goal I will start publishing my books online first then when I'm more known I will write publicly. For my third goal I will help my friends do their homework- and others who need help- with their homework and get to college. It may take some time but I will get it done.