The correct answers are:
87.96; 224.7; 686.98.
In order to write these numbers as decimals, we need to convert the fractions to fractions with denominators of 10, 100, or 1000.
224 7/10 already has a denominator of 10; this makes it 224.7.
For 87 24/25, we can multiply the denominator by 4 to make 100. Doing that means we need to multiply the numerator by 4 as well:
87 (24*4)/(25*4) = 87 96/100 = 87.96
For 686 49/50, we can multiply the denominator by 2 to make 100. Doing that means we need to multiply the numerator by 2 as well:
686 (49*2)/(50*2) = 686 98/100 = 686.98
2 shelving units, and each shelving
unit has 3 shelves. Each shelf holds
12 books. If both shelving units are
filled with books, how many books
does Tisha have in all
Tisha have 72 books in all.
Step-by-step explanation:
Number of shelving units = 2
One shelving unit has 3 shelves.
2 shelving units will have = 3*2 = 6 shelves
Books hold by each shelf = 12 books
Books hold by 6 shelves = 12*6 = 72 books
As the shelves are filled with books, therefore,
Tisha have 72 books in all.
Keywords: multiplication
Learn more about multiplication at:
Cone is equal to 3, white ice cream is equal to 2, and the pink is equal to 1.
Step-by-step explanation:
Something times something times something is equal to 27, and 27=3x is equal to 3. The cone is equal to 3.
3+3=6, and since 10-6 =4, 4=2x, so the white ice cream is equal to 2.
3+3+3=9, and 2+2=4, 9+4=13, so 15-13=2, and 2=2x, so the pink ice cream is equal to 1.
Sorry if it was a little cofusing.