The Tenth Amendment gives the rights not expressly delegated to the federal government to the:states
Speaker of the House
Supreme Court


Answer 1
Answer: The tenth Amendment  (part of the Bill of Rights and ratified in 1791) specifically states that all the powers not expressly delegated to the federal government are reserved "to the States or to the people) - so the correct answer is "states"

All theother  options mention members of the federal government so they can't be correct.
Answer 2

(A.) states

on odyssey:)

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Answer: Charismatic leaders are self confident and charming.

Transformational leaders use ideas to gain support.


Charismatic leaders are interesting people to whom people are naturally drawn. They use this skill to lead people, knowing that they give off a sense of self confidence that inspires the confidence of others. In contrast, transformational leaders find a shared value or idea and use that to gain the support of their followers.  

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B. forecasting critical
C. enhance distribution
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Answer: (A) Reduce capacity


Reduction of the capacity is not the part of the OM strategy or an issue during the stage of the growth in the production life cycle. The growth stage is the phase of the item life cycle where item deals, incomes and benefits start to develop as the item turns out to be progressively mainstream and acknowledged in the product life cycle.

The first stage of the product life cycle is the introduction stage where the organization tries to aware about all the product and the services. The capacity of during the growth stage continuously increases.

Therefore, Option (A) is correct as it is not included in the OM strategy.

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A Jargon is specific term used by people in a certain field. The terms used are only understood by the people in the specific field and not understood by the others.

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Christopher surrounds himself with true friends that support his goals. Why might he do this?A.
He is an extrovert and cannot be alone
He wants to get a job as a salesperson
He cannot live without human contact
He knows that keeping positive company improves one’s personality


The correct alternative is letter D.

Surrounding yourself with positive people, friends that truly support you, your goals and ideas is the best way to be positive and active in the pursuit of your goals.

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Christopher surrounds himself with true friends that support his goals. Why might he do this?

A.   He is an extrovert and cannot be alone

What is the gap between those with access to new technologies and those without called?


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Digital Divide is the correct for this question