Only when necessary. "Not to be changed for light or transient causes"
Giovanni Boccaccio is visceral on his description of the Black Death, and the suffering of millions of people. He describes the wounds, the agony, and the slow death with the strength which makes you almost feel what those people are struggling with. One of his most famous descriptions is when he tells us what is the Black Death and what the disease causes on the body. His descriptions of the bumps, and what comes out from them is disgusting and anguish. Another aspect of his vision about the Black Death is the people's reaction. They should blame someone because of that. Their fear and suffering lead them to persecute the Jews, and this behavior shows us how human nature is destructive to confront what is not comprehensible.
No one knows
A spectator
The British
The colonists
A) No one knows
When the first shot happened, there were many different claims. The British claimed that the colonists did it, or perhaps a spectator. The colonists believe that a spectator or the British did it. However, there was not enough evidence for either side, so it could not be determined. Because of this, no one knows exactly who fired the shot.
C.) The British
The British fired first but fell back when the colonists returned the volley. This was the “shot heard 'round the world” later immortalized by poet Ralph Waldo Emerson.