Vendiagram odyssey hospitality vs modern hospitality. Make it thourough


Answer 1
Answer: a modern hospital is just kind of plain as in they give ok effort to patients while a odyssey hospilitilty gives max effort
Answer 2
Answer: Modern Hospitality- Normal, just like for daily patients. Do an acceptable job.
Odyssey Hospitality-Triy their absolute best

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This is a compound sentence because you can break it into two sentences.
Hope this helps
Yes, this sentence is a compound sentence. A compound sentence is a sentence that has two or more nouns or/and predicates joined with commas, semicolons, or conjunctions. In this is sentence, but is the conjunction. They is a predicate and sea and shore are nouns. Also you can break this sentence into two sentences: They spend most of their lives at sea. They come out to shore for one purpose- to lay eggs.

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Antoine brushed his teeth before he eats his breakfast.
Take a look at the bolded words:

Antoine brushed his teeth before he eats his breakfast.
                ^past tense                          ^Present perfect (I believe)

Read the sentence outloud... its saying that he brushed his teeth before he "eats"

It is a inappropriate shift in tense.

Final answer: A
B is your greatest answer. 

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