Which of the following helped define the counterculture?Which of the following helped define the counterculture?
A. Following mainstream religions
B. Rejecting traditional values
C. Respecting traditional values
D. Attending college


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is B. Rejecting traditional values

Countercultural movements such as the those found in 1960s in the US strongly opposed the established traditional values and cultural norms, and were thus named countercultural movements.
Answer 2
Answer: Rejecting traditional values

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Monitoring Progress


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The correct answer is to conserve resources for the war effort.

Victory gardens were homemade gardens where citizens would grow foods that they could use. The goal of this program was to reduce the amount of resources families bought during the war time. This reduced amount of goods bought meant that there would be more resources for the soldiers serving during World War I. The national government had agencies dedicated to this cause and used poster and other forms of propaganda to encourage people to conserve their resources.

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C. Liberal
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The correct answer is A. Oppressive


In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels point out that the first step in the workers' revolution is the transformation of the proletariat into the ruling class and the conquest of democracy.

It is only through political domination that the proletariat can take all capital from the bourgeoisie and centralize it in the hands of the state.

At this point Lenin comes to the concept of the "dictatorship of the proletariat", considered by the Bolshevik leader as one of the most remarkable and important ideas of Marxism as far as the state is concerned.

The state would become the proletariat organized as a ruling class.

Lenin, against the heterodox Marxists, points out that the proletariat only needs a state that will become extinct.

In other words, it is the proletariat that must constitute itself as the ruling class and use state power to suppress the last vestiges of the exploiting class.

But in order to organize a state "without a state" Lenin looked at the Paris communes of 1871:

The Commune first abolished the standing army to replace it with the armed people.

Secondly, the Commune was made up of municipal councillors elected by universal suffrage in various districts of the city. These officials were responsible and subject to recall at any time, and most of their members were workers or recognized representatives of the working class.

Third, the police were stripped of their political attributes and made into an instrument of the Commune.

Fourthly, those holding public office were to receive workers' salaries, thus eliminating vested interests and the expenses of representing high state dignitaries.

Fifth, the Commune was to destroy spiritual coercion or repression, the power of the priests. For Lenin, Marx's description of the organization of the Commune represented the implementation of democracy in its most complete and consistent form imaginable. For Lenin, bourgeois democracy was transformed into a proletarian democracy, and the state was transformed into something that was no longer a proper state.

All these facts explain that the idea of communism was a failure because those elected to government positions applied the rules without regard to their own status, so that they repressed the proletarian masses instead of defending them.

Was the cost of the war higher for the North or the South?


The cost of the Civil War was much higher for the South. Most of the fighting took place in the south which took a higher toll financially. Besides, most of the factories and rail lines were in the north which made it easier to get supplies and food to Union troops. After Sherman's march to the sea, the South was in ruins. He burned and destroyed everything in his path and the South had to pay for that in years to come during Reconstruction.




Because the higher cost of the toll financially.